Worth the Run
July 5, 2007 - 9:00 pm

Sure, your dog loves playing fetch, probably because he enjoys the exercise and loves seeing how happy you get when he brings that soggy tennis ball back to you.
But wouldn’t it be great if Fido were to find a more tangible reward at the end of his long run?
Enter the SnackShotz Dog Treat Launcher. Just arm the no-batteries-needed, hand-held launcher with a Discos Flying Dog Treat, pull the trigger, and Fido’s appetizer flies as far as 12 feet away for his retrieval and consumption — sort of like if somebody were to fling a pizza the length of your backyard for you to chase after.
The SnackShotz Dog Treat Launcher retails for $14.99 at PetSmart. A 30-piece box of Discos Flying Dog Treats is included. Refills are available for $4.99 a box.
Story by John Przybys. What’s New is a weekly column about new products on the market.