Now in its 13th year, the Las Vegas Stake Family History Jamboree is set to offer a roster of more than 40 classes designed to help anyone research their family history.
Starbucks is making some Christmas lovers wonder not only WWJD (what would Jesus drink?) but, more importantly, from what sort of cup would he drink it?
In a major policy announcement, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says children living in a same-sex household may not be blessed as babies or baptized.
New research from sociologist Philip Schwadel of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has found in many religious countries, like the U.S., Italy and Mexico, people lose their religiosity upon attending college.
As parents have grown increasingly leery of sending their kids out trick-or-treating on streets where they don’t know their neighbors, alternatives for celebrating Halloween have flourished.
Nations are struggling with what to do about more than 4 million Syrian refugees fleeing war. It’s complicated from a personal perspective as well, as individuals weigh compassion against prudence.
So where were you when the apocalypse fizzled? Actually, make that apocalypses, because the past few weeks have been (pardon the word) heaven for fans and followers of doomsday predictions.
Pope Francis asked for forgiveness on Wednesday for scandals at the Vatican and in Rome, an apparent reference to two cases of priests and gay sex revealed this month during a major meeting of bishops.
Your religion could help you earn money for college, depending on which religious group you associate with.
Religion is a topic that will always cause a reaction because of the deepness of feelings on both sides of the spectrum. But no matter what your beliefs are, the ability to communicate with others about what you believe can be done in a way that creates respect and understanding.
Bishop Susan Provost’s road to bishop started with an upbringing in the Roman Catholic Church.
The Las Vegas Greek Food Festival is more than just food and fun — it’s also an opportunity for visitors to tour and learn more about the church.
The day before Pope Francis met anti-gay county clerk Kim Davis in Washington last week, he held a private meeting with a longtime friend from Argentina who has been in a same-sex relationship for 19 years.
Pope Francis said on Monday government officials have a “human right” to refuse to discharge a duty, such as issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals, if they feel it violates their conscience.
For many public health officials, the news of the deaths of more than 700 Muslim pilgrims near Mecca on Thursday was tragic but unsurprising.