Everyone has been “tattooed” by a variety of setbacks, Verve Church Pastor Vince Antonucci said. His new tattoo, “The one Jesus Loves,” sent a message of hope for changing negatives into positives.
Pastor Neal Creecy says the gathering meshes nicely with the congregation’s focus on outreach. “We want the biker community to know they’re welcome at Shadow Hills, and a lot of people who ride are part of this fellowship,” he notes.
Shadow Hills Baptist Church held a Blessing of the Bikes event on Saturday in Las Vegas.
A polygamous family from TV’s “Sister Wives” filed a request Monday for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their case for legalizing polygamy.
“I’d say she was a saint on Earth, and they finally put a halo on her.” Mel Kleinschmit, a volunteer at Christ the King Catholic Church in Las Vegas, 4925 S. Torrey Pines Drive, reflected on Mother Teresa’s life and her works Sunday afternoon, following her canonization at the Vatican.
Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a saint on Sunday, praising the tiny nun for having taken in society’s most unwanted and for having shamed world leaders for the “crimes of poverty they themselves created.”
PrayerSpark founder Michael Feder is one of 17 men and women — and one of four from the United States — named as a finalist for a new award that honors interfaith relations in business.
The Rev. Edward Anderson, a longtime religious figure, teacher and former principal, will be remembered for his compassionate and loving spirit, friends and colleagues said.
Pope Francis has lamented that children are being taught at school that gender can be a choice.
Pope Francis encouraged hundreds of thousands of young people at a global gathering Sunday to “believe in a new humanity” that is stronger than evil and refuses to see borders as barriers.
The terrorist attack on a French church and murder of a priest renewed a central conflict just about every house of worship faces sooner or later: how to provide security while remaining welcoming.
Rev. Steve Willis uses humor on the sign outside First Christian Church on Rancho Drive to draw in new people.
The Active Adults 55 Plus group at Temple Beth Sholom learned more about the Book of Jonah by stepping into the shoes of the characters in a bibliodrama.
Rabbi Yocheved Mintz has been the spiritual leader for 11 years and she now will become the rabbi emerita or senior educator, and she will be involved with the congregation as much as her successor needs her. “It’s not retirement, it’s rewirement,” she said.
Muslims frequently gather nightly during the monthlong Ramadan, which started this year on June 6.