The best way to clean
January 7, 2010 - 10:00 pm
Happy 2010! I know one of your New Year’s resolutions is to keep your home cleaner. OK, maybe that’s just my resolution.
Either way, it is possible, by carving out a few minutes each day and having a few essential tools on hand. Here are some items that make my life easier and help me tidy up without too much effort and money.
* Baking soda. You have the standard box in the fridge to quell odors, but did you know that by adding a small amount of water, you can form a paste that can instantly shine up silverware? Or add it to a wet cloth and clean out that stainless steel sink without scratching it.
* Dishcloths. Reach for a dishcloth instead of paper towels to wipe up spills and clean other kitchen surfaces. You’ll save money and avoid the germs that may lurk in your sponge. Of course, you can use dishcloths for their original purpose — washing the dishes.
* Disinfecting wipes. There will be times when you need to disinfect, and nothing could be easier than grabbing a disinfecting wipe. I keep canisters under all the sinks in my house. My favorite is Clorox because of its low streak factor.
* Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Use these mildly abrasive cleaning pads to do everything from removing scuffmarks on floors to restoring and keeping baseboards clean.