Simple steps can save plants from damage in freezing temperatures
December 25, 2008 - 10:00 pm
Freeze damage is not something often thought of in connection with Southern Nevada’s semitropical desert climate, but freezing temperatures do occur.
Thanks to a publication from University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, area residents can learn how to recognize potential signs of freeze damage as well as how to prevent plants from getting harmed.
Entitled “Freeze Damage to Plants in Lower Elevations of Southern Nevada,” the research-based article can be found on the extension’s Web site at
Research shows that freezing temperatures occur most often in Southern Nevada between December and March. During these extra cold months, it is important to prepare for freeze and frost damage that may occur in your garden. Damage can occur on nights when the temperature is above freezing and even if there is no frost. Many plants can be injured or killed by freezing temperatures.
The publication explores several factors that influence the susceptibility of plants to freezing weather, such as the type of plant, fertilizer practices and overall duration of the freeze. It also outlines what to look for when picking out plants for Southern Nevada, including avoiding plants that bloom and produce leaves early in the season since new growth such as flowers, leaves and developing fruit are most vulnerable to freezing temperatures.
Additionally, the publication explains what to do before, during and after a freeze to ensure that your plants remain healthy and undamaged.
Information courtesy University of Nevada Cooperative Extension