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Puppetry makes folding sheets easier

DEAR HELOISE: I have been an avid reader for many, many years. Do you have any tips for folding a king-size fitted sheet after washing? — D. Green, Orange, Calif.

DEAR D: Yes, I do, and I recently showed students at Texas State University (my alma mater) how to do just this. All you do is slip your hands into two corners as if you were making a hand puppet. Then slip one pocket over the other. With both your hands making “puppets,” join your palms together, then put all four pockets on one hand. Lay the sheet flat and fold in the sides to make a flat rectangle. You should have a nice, clean rectangle now, with the fitted (messy) corners tucked in. — Heloise.

Two hints

DEAR HELOISE: I read a question about how to clean floor grout. We live on a lake, and we put ceramic tile down. We bought a steamer, and you would never believe the shock we had after using it — all the ick that came off. Now the grout looks like it’s brand-new!

And here’s a hint for jewelry lovers: I have many sets and could never find the right one. I put each set in a plastic zipper-topped bag. The jewelry doesn’t tarnish, and you can see through to find what you want. Also, the bags are easy to store and are ready for travel as well. — Bonnie Martin, North Sioux City, S.D.

Garage-door security

DEAR HELOISE: I just read your article on garage-door openers. As a suggestion, do not leave your garage-door opener locked in your car while it’s in your driveway.

Thieves can simply break the car window, take the garage-door opener, then access your house through the garage. They close the garage door, and no one is the wiser. They can get into your home even if the door from the garage to the house is locked (most people store power tools in the garage that make it easy for a thief to get in — skill saw, etc.). Then they can take their time in the house, load up the car , open the garage door and leave with your possessions.

If your garage door is compatible with a key fob opener, attach the opener to your car keys and you’ll always take your garage-door opener in the house with you when you get out of your car . — Julie, Omaha, Neb.

DEAR JULIE: Good point, and a security hint we all should be aware of. While we are talking about garages and security, if your garage door faces a public street, leaving it open is like advertising to thieves what’s available to steal. — Heloise

Kitchen sponges

DEAR HELOISE: Another way to guarantee fresh-smelling and germ-free kitchen sponges: Wash the sponge before doing dishes, and place it in the microwave for 30 to 40 seconds. This will kill all the bacteria on the sponge and will keep it fresh. — Stay-at-Home Dad

DEAR STAY-AT-HOME DAD: Many people do this, but there are some things you need to know. We checked with sponge manufacturers, and here is what they had to say about sanitizing and cleaning a sponge. If you boil sponges in water for at least five to 10 minutes, that will sanitize them. The sponges can be put on the top rack of the dishwasher (use a regular heat cycle and secure the sponges so they can’t float around the dishwasher).

Note: Microwaving a sponge could be a potential fire hazard. — Heloise

Hints from Heloise is syndicated by King Features Syndicate. Send great hints to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; by fax, 210-HELOISE (435-6473); or by e-mail, Heloise@Heloise.com.

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Thanks to everyone who has supported my journey into journalism by reading my gardening column over the years and contributing questions.

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