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Home and Garden

Vegetable garden simple to start, maintain

When I’m not on the road, I enjoy cooking meals at home. I’m big on using fresh ingredients, yet store-bought “hot house” tomatoes in winter will never compare to the quality and taste of homegrown. Many fruits and vegetables travel about 1,000 miles to get to us. It’s no wonder they’re picked well before maturity and never really develop the taste or nutritional value that only locally grown food can provide.

Undercabinet light like sunroof

: Just off of my kitchen, I have a built-in desk with some cabinets hanging above it. I thought it would make a nice work area to pay bills, take phone calls, etc. I would like to install some undercabinet lighting. There is an outlet under the cabinets but I don’t want a plug-in light, and I certainly don’t want a cord to show. So, how do I go about installing the light?

Severe pruning disturbs root-to-shoot ratio

: My cape honeysuckle is growing very well but only has about one flower on it. It seems as though the flower production has been declining for the last year or two, or maybe more. Would some Miracle-Gro or some other fertilizer help? We cut it back pretty severely last winter.

Spread summer entertaining to great outdoors

One of the greatest pleasures of summer is enjoying outdoor meals and parties, which sometimes include gathering around an outdoor fireplace. Nostalgia simmers as we recall campfires from childhood at the beach or a campground.

Footbaths, cachepots add panache to any décor

Through the years, I’ve come up with a short list of absolutely essential and incredibly awesome home accents that I have got to have on hand when I decorate. The items on my VIP list are so gorgeous, so hardworking and so versatile that they stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Staycation Season

July Fourth weekend is here and the price of gasoline is too high to drive anywhere. What in the world are you going to do?

Embellishments add designer detail to ordinary, vintage chandeliers

It’s the details that make your home décor unique. Vintage items can help, since you’re less likely to see the same pieces in your friends’ homes, but an embellisher can always turn a great find into a brilliant personal statement.


Collar key lets pets go as they please safely

Today’s kitchen sinks truly are centerpieces

“What art was to the ancient world, science is to the modern: the distinctive faculty. In the minds of men the useful has succeeded to the beautiful.” Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), British conservative statesman and prime minister.

More bang

Visitors to The Hotel on Mt. Charleston will notice that the mountain resort has returned to its roots.

Stair alcove can double as cozy getaway

Moving to a larger house doesn’t necessarily solve all storage problems. It seems, in fact, that additional space generates additional stuff that overwhelms the capacity of closets and various nooks.

Large open space gives animator place to draw inspiration

Cal is an animation artist, director and teacher — and a first-time homeowner. He moved into his home two years ago, a 1920s semidetached unit that was owned by an 80-year-old woman who hadn’t changed it much in her 60 years of occupancy. The ground floor was dated, dingy and full of cramped rooms, which was less than ideal for a 20-something guy who works from home and entertains a lot.

Early presses used to bind, not print, books

Ever stop to think about how a book was made in earlier centuries? There still are craftsmen making books much the same way. The paper had to be made. Then the story was written or printed on each page. The pages were stitched together in groups called signatures. They were then put in a book press to be creased and flattened properly. The signatures were assembled, joined and might be pressed again. A cover was added, and once again the book was pressed.

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