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Home and Garden
“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.” Hans Selye (1907-1982), Canadian endocrinologist.
For nine years, Louis Almaraz and his wife, Debra, watered their front lawn in Fresno, Calif., like other homeowners. For most of those years, the couple often talked about changing their landscape — to something along the lines of a desert theme.
: We have just harvested a huge crop of fruit from our seven-year-old apricot tree. However, I noticed sap blisters on some of the branches. The tree looks green and certainly healthy, but I’m worried that it may have some disease. I was told I might have borers, but I can’t see any. I bought something systemic to put around the tree and am wondering if that will be enough. It’s supposed to be good for getting rid of insects and borers.
Don’t you just love TV makeover shows where they completely transform a plain Jane into a beauty queen? The pros see her potential and bring it out using a few tricks of the trade. Now you can do the same thing in what, for many, is the most plain-Jane spot in the house: the front stairway.
No one wants to come home at the end of the day to find several thousand ants crawling around the kitchen sink or discover half a dozen roaches gathered near the refrigerator celebrating their discovery of a three-day old piece of French toast. But household pests are a familiar site and they’re not going away.
: We recently bought a resale home. When we moved in, the front door took a beating. We were clumsy movers and we dented the door in several places. The door is metal and has been faded by the sun. Can we get rid of the dents or do we have to replace the door?
Indoor pollution causes its share of problems — among them, exacerbating asthma.
The season’s warmer months herald the beginning of summer entertaining for people who live in small homes. Now is the time to think about ways to maximize outdoor space and do more expansive entertaining than you’re able to do inside. Fire up the barbecue grill and pull out the umbrella tables and chairs. If you’re lucky enough to have a little bit of yard, start now to get the lawn and flower beds in shape.
Nevada State Contractors Board investigators conducted a sting operation in the eastern area of Henderson recently for unlicensed contracting activity.
Creative cabinetmakers have enjoyed making dual-purpose furniture for centuries. A desk with a drawer that opens to a bed, a chair that can be flipped to become library steps or bed steps, a table with a top that flips up to become the back of a bench, and other clever examples were made by the 18th century. There was even an 1866 patent for a piano that opened up to be a “bedroom” with a bed and chest of drawers. But an 1883 combination sofa and bathtub is our favorite.
Putting the pedal to the metal did very little to assuage the mixture of excitement and anticipation I was feeling during the short trip from my home to the grand opening of the new Villeroy and Boch showroom.
At Mandalay Bay there is a fine-dining restaurant which, like a lot of Strip hot spots, pushes the envelope when it comes to interior design. With its all-white interior and sleek, space-age lines, it looks like a set from a James Bond film. You can almost picture 007 strolling down a stairway that curves through the center of the main dining room.
Linda Waits wants to help save the environment but, she admits, sometimes even the simplest fixes are easy to forget.
“Food that’s beautiful to look at seems to taste better than food that isn’t.”