Politics and political campaigns are featured in every newspaper, Web site and blog, and collectors are looking at the new memorabilia that can be part of a collection.
Home and Garden
: I have several Carolina cherry trees. Some are doing wonderfully while others show various signs of distress. They are all on the same 30-minute, daily watering schedule. The soil here is quite sandy and the only the compost soil was added at planting about eight years ago. Additionally, I have annual deep-root fertilization done in the spring.
: I am selling my home and the buyer had a home inspection done. The inspector found a few small items that need to be fixed. One item that needs to be fixed is in the attic. Apparently, there is an area where two wires connect that is not protected. What is involved with this repair?
I’m getting ready to sit down to watch the game; the TV is on, chips are in the bowl, the dog is outside and there are no distractions. Now, I just need to get the beer and salsa from the fridge.
Windows to the left of us, windows to the right of us … a blessing or a curse? I’d say a blessing. Let that sun shine in! But what if the sun is blinding at certain times of the day? Here are some solutions.
One of the joys of having the fabulous World Market Center here in Las Vegas is getting to preview the latest and greatest before it actually appears in retail outlets.
The world of interior design does share some similarities with the clothing industry. Both are strongly influenced by fashion trends, for example.
In today’s hectic world, getting a good night’s sleep is more important than ever. Equally important is the quality of that sleep.
For years I’ve said that my best clients are often bachelors or newly divorced middle-aged men. For those of you who don’t understand this thinking on my part, the reasons are really quite simple. Often men in these categories have more disposable income and are out to please one person and one person only — themselves.
From day care to kindergarten to middle school and then to high school, you have been a diligent parent nurturing and advising your child. Now that little darling is off to college to live in a dorm room no bigger than a bread basket. What’s a parent to do?
I’m a long-term thinker. I like things like the Clock of the Long Now, a project that seeks to reverse the pathologically short attention span of modern civilization. When you think about it, what’s the sense in constantly maximizing next quarter’s profits if, in the not-so-long run, we overlook or ignore the ill effects on our only home, this exquisitely beautiful blue-green globe?
Do you ever envy those folks who get away to their summer place or make a relaxing visit to a home they may own on a mountain, by a lake or just in another city? At different times in my life I have to say I have. There was, however, a time in my life when I had such a place, and while it was rejuvenating to get away and be somewhere different for a while, there are downsides to that also. Even paradise has a price.
: I have a two-year-old pluot that has a lot of nice looking fruit on it. Some of the fruit drops before it is ripe and there seems to be a little bug that has crawled into the stem end of the fruit. As I have picked other fruit and opened them up, a lot of them have this little bug problem. Do they need to be sprayed early in the season? I know you have pluots in the (University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Master Gardener) orchard. Is this a problem that you have experienced?