It’s an age-old dilemma: You want a place to entertain guests without having to sacrifice space for everyday leisure activities.
Home and Garden
DEAR DEBBIE: I love white, everything about white. I’m not even sure if it’s a color. My partner is afraid that doing an all-white room will be too clinical. Have you any suggestions that will help me win my case? — Natalie.
Good design isn’t achieved just by filling a space with attractive furniture and accessories. As so often preached from this pulpit, function matters as much as form.
Las Vegas designer eliminated from show
An interior designer long familiar with my custom furniture recently contacted me asking for a picture of my sliding coffee table design, which he hoped to use in a client’s new home. He thought it would be the perfect complement for the great room, finished in a high-gloss, faux goatskin lacquer.
Mirrors have enjoyed a history of mystique as they seem to have a magical quality about them. In early history we read of native tribes that feared mirrors believing they were seeing their own ghosts. There is the superstition of seven years of bad luck if you break a mirror, and the amusement park house or mirrors is always a charmer, particularly the mirrors that do such a great job of distorting your reflection.
: I have English, Spanish and French lavenders that stopped flowering. My English and French lavenders had lots of flowers in their first year but haven’t had any for 21/2 years now. A batch of volunteer French lavenders, not too far from the parent plant, had flowers this spring but stopped flowering since summer. They are less than one year old. I planted some Spanish lavenders last spring. They had flowers during that season but none since summer.
It’s been a couple of years since I last wrote about the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep in a healthy bed. I’ve had a little more experience with the idea since then so I figured it would be a good time for an update.
: I have small children in my house and one of them grabbed onto a staircase spindle as he was rushing down the stairs. The spindle snapped and I need to repair or replace it. Tell me how.
Wow! Every week in October and November is my favorite gardening week. There’s so much to do. No bugs, no heat, no sweat. Any person with a gardening or landscaping to-do list should take full advantage of this welcome opportunity to be very busy. Here are just a few things that you could or should be doing now.
We read every day about how many baby boomers are “coming of age” and the effect this fact will have on almost every sector of our lives. Boomers may be collecting Social Security or we may continue to work and therefore affect the work place. The health of boomers is a big concern to the medical profession; and there is an entire industry dedicated to making products for boomers. This generation is confronting the aging process in a new way and is not going down without a fight.
As residents of the Las Vegas Valley, it doesn’t take much beyond the summer’s scorching temperatures and rapidly diminishing greenbelts to remind us that we’re living in the desert. For us, water is a precious commodity, and not one to be wasted or squandered unnecessarily.
Today’s eco-friendly bathrooms can do more than just save water. They can help save trees and electricity, too.
CAS is doing its part to make life a little more beautiful for both people and their four-legged companions.