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Packing material hunt ‘ends’ at newspaper

DEAR HELOISE: For anyone getting ready to move, a way to reduce packing costs is to go to the local newspaper and ask for “end roll paper.” It is the end of the rolls used for printing the newspaper. It is good, clean paper, which is perfect for packing any item. It will save the cost of paying for clean paper for packing. Generally, the paper is free or very cheap — just a few dollars. – T.H. Hawkins, via e-mail

DEAR T.H.: We checked with a couple of newspapers, and sure enough, the end roll paper usually is available; one paper sells it for just 30 cents per pound. Great money-saving and recycling hint. — Heloise

Handy first-aid kit

DEAR HELOISE: My young son cut his hand while we were on an outing. I was so thankful to have a first-aid kit in my car, and I quickly cleaned and bandaged the cut. So, I guess my hint is to always carry a first-aid kit in your car – you never know when you may need it. – Gloria R., via e-mail

DEAR GLORIA: First-aid kits are helpful, and with summer coming on and more traveling and outings on the calendar, a kit is a must. – Heloise

Picture perfect

DEAR READERS: Many calendars have beautiful photographs. Here are hints to reuse them.

Cloth calendars:

n They can be made into lovely dish towels.

n Can be used as quilt squares.

n Sew together and stuff to make a throw pillow.

Paper calendars:

n Cut out special days and add to your scrapbook.

n Seal in plastic for a place mat.

n Help a child learn months, days and numbers.

— Heloise

Laundry-detergent stain

DEAR HELOISE: How do you remove a blue liquid-laundry-detergent stain from clothing? Now it looks like a tie-dye stain. Thanks. – Kathleen Schulte, via e-mail

DEAR KATHLEEN: Hopefully, this item has not been through the dryer, which can make a stain more difficult to remove. But you can give this a try:

Our research shows that if the stain was caused by the laundry detergent, it can be removed. You need to fill the washing machine with hot water (but check the care label first for safest temperature). Add the correct amount of laundry detergent (put in and let agitate a few seconds before adding clothing). Wash, and after the spin cycle, pull the item out to check if the stain is gone. If not, then rerinse (water only) the item. Rinsing is what is really needed to dissolve the detergent. So, you may need to rinse and rerinse in order to completely remove it.

For other pesky-stain removal hints, just send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (61 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Stain Guide, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001.

Another laundry hint: Don’t stuff too many clothes into the washer. They will not have enough room to get properly cleaned, and the detergent may not get completely rinsed out of the clothing. – Heloise

Straight photos

DEAR HELOISE: I was putting up pictures and couldn’t get them straight. I remembered that I had an invisible-ink pen that I used in sewing, so, using the pen, I could write on the wall to get my pictures straight. – Bonnie from Texas

Hints from Heloise is syndicated by King Features Syndicate. Send great hints to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; by fax, 210-HELOISE (435-6473); or by e-mail, Heloise@Heloise.com.

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Thanks to everyone who has supported my journey into journalism by reading my gardening column over the years and contributing questions.

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Gaining control over this annual weed is not easy to do

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