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Humorous tales offer a sip of success

For every gardener who has ever enjoyed a glass of wine or other such cocktail while sitting in their back yard unwinding from a hard day’s work, “The Gin and Tonic Gardener: Confessions of a Reformed Compulsive Gardener” by Janice Wells is a must.

Throughout the book, Wells writes short stories that are humorous and full of useful tips on how her garden has become her own private mixing laboratory.

Wells reveals inventive ways to transform a mundane concrete pathway into one that looks like paving stones; how to disguise an ugly fence by encouraging vines to cover it; and how to scour rummage sales for inexpensive and attractive outdoor furniture. Plus, she offers a listing of easy-to-grow plants that have delighted her with many colorful rewards despite her willful neglect, poor growing conditions and being occasionally doused with the remnants of a strong gin and tonic.

Find “The Gin and Tonic Gardener,” Key Porter Books, $16.95, at all major book sellers. The title is due out in June.


Sweep on freshness with bright, blue broom

Oftentimes, clean does not seem clean without a crisp, fresh scent. So, to help household chores sparkle, Quickie Manufacturing Corp. unveils its latest and greatest tool for summer clean-up — the AirWick FreshSweep Broom.

A two-in-one cleaning product, the FreshSweep combines a high-performance broom with an AirWick Air Freshener that provides a fresh scent every time you sweep a floor.

To engage the pre-installed AirWick Freshener, simply twist open to unlock and enjoy the scent that travels throughout the room when the broom is in use. Consumers can adjust the scent compartment to release their desired amount of fragrance.

The FreshSweep retails for $10.99 and is available at Lowe’s, Wal-Mart and select retailers across the valley. Each broom includes one installed AirWick Freshener.

For more information on the AirWick FreshSweep Broom, or to find a retailer in your area, log on to www.quickie.com.

Ditch the ick factor

Scotch-Brite’s Disposable Toilet Scrubber with Bleach makes one of the household’s most dreaded tasks bearable.

The only disposable toilet scrubber with bleach, it leaves behind a clean scent. The power of bleach is packed into the contoured scrubber for concentrated cleaning that will leave the bowl sparkling bright. Plus, a no-toss mechanism on the handle means you never have to touch the mess.

A Scotch-Brite Disposable Toilet Scrubber starter kit is available at major retailers and sells for a suggested price of $4.99, with a refill box of six scrubbing heads available for $4.99.

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Why did my bird of paradise plants quit blooming?

They were in bloom when we planted them five or six years ago, and they bloomed the following year as well. But they have not bloomed again.