Local events
October 13, 2010 - 11:00 pm
Oct. 14
What: Las Vegas Valley Rose Society. Members of the group will gather for their monthly meeting; guests are welcome.
Where: Nevada Garden Club Center, 3333 W. Washington Ave.
When: 7:30 p.m.
Cost: Free
Info: 646-6048 or 873-6621
Oct. 16
What: Beautiful and Edible Flowers: Flowers bring lively flavors, colors and textures to food, as well as a touch of elegance. Many are high in vitamins and minerals. Experts will discuss which ones are the most pleasing to our palates and how to use them.
Where: Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd.
When: 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Cost: $10 adults, $8 children 5-17; members receive a $2 discount
Info: 822-7786; advance registration requested
What: Fall Faux Impressions National Workshop Day at Sherwin-Williams. Watch a demonstration and then try it yourself. Learn how to do these four great new techniques: Metallic, Quartz Stone, Smooth Fresco and Leaf Impressions.
Where: Sherwin-Williams, 4237 W. Sahara Ave.
When: 10-11:30 a.m.
Cost: Free; registration is requested
Info: Sherwin-Williams at 876-4482
What: Container/Patio Gardening: Thinking Outside the Pot. Learn the basics of container gardening, as well as the simple techniques for a relatiavely low-maintenance garden. Experts will explore a variety of unconventional containers to add style to their garden; participants are welcome to bring their own unusual container for planting.
Where: Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd.
When: 1-3 p.m.
Cost: $14 adults, $10 children 5-17; members receive a $2 discount
Info: 822-7786; advance registration requested
Oct. 21
What: Cultivating Fresh Air. Participants will learn how houseplants can act as filters for common pollutants and which ones are most effective at cleaning the air. They also will make their own nontoxic plant cleaner for indoor plants.
Where: Springs Preserve, 333 S. Valley View Blvd.
When: 6-8 p.m.
Cost: $10 adults; members receive a $2 discount
Info: 822-7786; advance registration requested
What: Molto Vegas Farmers Market. Fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruit are featured. Also, area master gardeners staff a question and answer booth.
Where: 7485 Dean Martin Drive, Suite 106
When: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. each Thursday
Cost: Varies by product
Info: Bob Morris at 257-5509 or e-mail morrisr@unce.unr.edu. Or Doug Taylor at dtaylor@moltovegas.com