Green Thumb Brigade
May 5, 2007 - 9:00 pm
Thanks to everyone who has supported my journey into journalism by reading my gardening column over the years and contributing questions.
It may be that the carpet fibers have become stretched or that the tack strip is loose or damaged.
When native pine trees are grown on their own they will develop taproots or sinker roots for stability and to secure enough water.
It is important not to water these plants too often and to repot them when the soil is worn out and the water is not draining properly.
There are a few minor differences, but nothing that should cause any problems. If you have replaced a light fixture before, this will be a piece of cake.
To make sure it doesn’t return you have to interrupt the seed-to-flowering-plant cycle at least for a couple of years and fill the voids with something competitive.
Replacing a light switch is very easy. There are a few different kinds. Before installation, make sure to turn off the power.
Some of the leaves on my 2-year-old Thompson Seedless grapes have started to curl at harvest.
We planted what we thought was a lime tree around 10 years ago. Now we have a 20-foot-tall, nicely shaped tree bearing an unknown fruit.
Efflorescence can be seen in many places, such as on block walls where it appears as white stains or powder. It often looks like fresh snow.