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Caulk critical to prevent shower leaks

When taking a shower, homeowners don’t want leaks to give them a bath. Though showers save water, one of the hazards of switching from tub bathing to showers is that it often results in leakage to the ceilings of the rooms below. The cause is often cracking or deterioration of the caulking between the wall and the bathtub or poor-fitting shower doors.

To prevent problems, it’s important to look at the caulking between the bathtub and wall periodically and make sure the joints are watertight. Ditto for caulking between the base of the tub and the floor. Showering can send water through cracks that are almost imperceptible.

The good news is that caulk is relatively easy to apply. The experts at HouseMaster, leaders in the home-inspection industry, suggest selecting a good-quality caulk designed specifically for conditions found at bathtubs. Using the improper type can result in unsightly mildew or a short service life.

For more tips on caulking and home maintenance, visit www.housemaster.com/home defects.

Information courtesy North American Precis Syndicate

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