Hospitals in Clark County, many of them in financial intensive care since the recession, are showing signs of recovery.
At 54, Elizabeth Gorka is a rarity of rarities — she’s battling two of the 7,000 diseases that the world’s top health officials classify as rare. There are no cures for what ails her, and doctors often try new drugs and treatments to manage her symptoms.
Herb Gilbert is 90, and that means enduring people acting as though he can’t think and can’t hear, which he said became even more frustrating recently during two short hospital stays.
Medical professionals, he said, engaged in what researchers refer to as “elderspeak.”
Are your abs showing yet?
There’s still a little time before swimsuit season, but you need to start now. Put down the sugar cereal and toss out those pastries. Hide the TV remote and get the exercise play list ready.
Here are a couple more core exercises to add to your routines.
Burns covering 85 percent of Charlie Kleck’s body serve as his only reminder of a boating accident on Lake Powell in Arizona last summer.
If the Las Vegas area had the same percentage of insured adults as Boston, then 272,090 more Southern Nevadans would be covered by health insurance. A found nearly 30 percent of Las Vegans are uninsured and 69.7 percent have a usual source of care, far below the national median of 82.4 percent.
They laugh about their credit card bills. They laugh about their aches and pains. They laugh about the medication they have to take. They laugh about everything in laughter yoga. That’s the point.
Suzanne Newton says she doesn’t normally talk much about throwing up. But she’s so sick to her stomach about a trip to the ER — it was far more costly than she ever imagined — that she feels she must talk about what sent her to the hospital in the first place.
The body deteriorates with age. Understanding this can help trainers know how to help you get in good shape in spite of the physical challenges. The trick is to be educated and dedicated.