Revisiting basic exercises with a critical eye can help identify faults in your form. Last week we looked at the push-up. This week, we discuss pull-ups and chin-ups, which work a majority of the muscles in the back.
A doctor at the Women’s Cancer Center of Nevada — and one who is on the way there — have collaborated on a research paper that was published in the January issue of BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Celebrities, entertainers and athletes from all walks of life converged upon the MGM Grand Garden on Saturday to pay tribute to “The Greatest.” Muhammad Ali is one of the only people who can draw such a diverse crowd.
Can we unlock the mysteries of the brain that cause the kind of Alzheimer’s terror that causes so much suffering? The clinicians at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas say we can.
After six months of studying Dr. Dipak Desai as he lived in a nuthouse in Sparks, three of the state’s best shrinks recently concluded, in effect, that he knows the difference between an outhouse and a courthouse, that he remains competent enough to tell his lawyer, Richard Wright, to keep stalling so he doesn’t go to trial.
The basic push-up is a pretty easy exercise. It’s also an effective one, especially when done properly.
Push-ups are a great measure of strength and make a good addition to your favorite exercise circuit.
Legislators approved funds Thursday to launch a public relations campaign by the state Health Division to warn Hispanic people of the dangers of using unlicensed medical personnel.