Q When is the best time of day to take blood pressure medications?
Even though Dr. Robert DeMartino will do what is necessary to help his patients have the healthiest life possible, he knows when it comes to a person’s health care needs, it might take multiple doctors under one roof to offer the most effective solutions.
Summerlin resident Nathnie Gibson woke up one morning in June to find her life turned upside-down.
“I couldn’t move my hand. I went to grab my cup of tea, and my hand dropped down – I couldn’t keep it up,” said Gibson, 48, a former human resources manager. ” My husband walked in the door, and he looked at me and goes, ‘What’s wrong?’ ”
One of the first visitors Maria Del Carmen Gomez had after her recent cancer operation at Valley Hospital was the surgeon who saved her hands.
Though she was so weak, she was barely able to raise her left arm, she waved at Dr. Carl Williams, who she calls an angel.
I have two more exercises that can be done on the stability ball. So, throw off the pile of clothes that’s accumulated on it and top off the air, because you’ll want to try these!
Q I’ve noticed that many margarines contain palm or palm kernel oil. Aren’t these fats harmful to the heart?
Maria Del Carmen Gomez, 53, was attacked March 21 outside a convenience store at Craig Road and North Fifth Street. Her former boyfriend, Armando Vergara-Martinez, faces charges of attempted murder and domestic violence.