A quiz: How many Americans got flu shots last year?
Remember that getting a flu shot has become as convenient as picking up a quart of milk, and that deaths related to influenza in the U.S. number in the thousands each year.
The answer: Less than half.
It should have been a wonderful time for Dr. Dale Carrison.
But as he received an award for contributions to the community, he knew that the business of medicine too often had gotten in the way of keeping in close touch with friends and family.
Want something worth posting on Facebook?
What if your next post looked like this: “15 squats, 1/4-mile run, 1-minute plank, done four times, through in less than 20 minutes.” Imagine all the “good jobs!” and “likes” you’ll get.
Q Is it true that carbohydrates are bad for me?
Nearly half of all Nevadans could be obese in less than two decades. And that weight increase could lead to a rise in associated health care costs to the tune of $5.9 billion.
As a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Rose Dominican Hospitals, Anna Wroble has witnessed the worried looks on parents’ faces as they manage their newborn’s needs.
With advancing age, staying on top of medical concerns can be a challenge. There are prostate exams, mammograms, cancer screenings, diabetes checks. But shingles, an illness that is difficult to prevent and whose cases are on the rise, tends to fall under the radar.
At three in the morning Dr. Florence Jameson helped bring a new baby into this world. Five hours later, she stood in the lobby of the Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada clinic and excitedly talked about giving birth to a facility to help the uninsured.
Whether your legs are slim and toned or well muscled, they can always use some added stability.
I’ll admit that stability training does sound kind of boring. But it helps them get stronger, and strong tendons equal stable joints.