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Doctor’s efforts to raise alarm about Desai rebuffed

Well before Dr. Dipak Desai faced criminal charges, Dr. Charles Cohan gave you the sense that the best the physician at the center of the 2007 hepatitis C outbreak in Las Vegas should hope for professionally is popping prisoners’ hemorrhoids, if he was allowed to practice medicine at all.

Tight muscles can derail your workout progress

Have you ever driven a car with the emergency brake on? How about trying to get a tan wearing a coat? Absorb the information in a textbook by osmosis? Exercising with tight muscles can be just as frustrating.

ACLU challenges access to medical marijuana

CARSON CITY — While state senators visited a medical marijuana dispensary in Arizona on Friday, the American Civil Liberties Union filed a brief in the Nevada Supreme Court saying state law provides “no practical way” for residents to acquire medical marijuana.

Nevadans ask Assembly panel to legalize raw milk

Despite health authorities’ warnings of the dangers of raw milk, a dozen residents asked Assembly Health and Human Services Committee members Friday to allow the legal sale of the product in Nevada.

Body weight and stability drills help build better athletes

When you’re young, you feel invincible. You have speed, strength, power and quick recovery. Knowing then what I know now, I could have avoided some gym pitfalls that cost me time. 

Health officials: State didn’t follow patient discharge policies

Nevada health officials acknowledged Thursday that proper discharge policies weren’t followed in the case of a mentally ill man who was put on a bus to Sacramento, Calif., after his release from a Las Vegas psychiatric hospital.

Area near MountainView Hospital welcomes nursing facilities

A new 33,000-square-foot Advanced Health Care Corp. skilled nursing facility is scheduled to bring more than 90 jobs to the area in early 2014. Nearby, CareMeridian Las Vegas has purchased and remodeled an 11,500-square-foot facility for post-acute care services.

Judge strikes down New York City limits on size of sugary drinks

NEW YORK — A judge struck down New York City’s ban on big sugary drinks Monday just hours before it was supposed to take effect, ruling that the first-in-the-nation measure arbitrarily applies to only some sweet beverages and some places that sell them.

Colon test causes fear

It’s a proven lifesaver — the American Cancer Society estimates 65 percent of deaths from colorectal cancer could be avoided if everyone older than 50 had screening tests every 10 years –– yet only about half of Americans have the procedures.

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