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Whooping cough cases increase in Nevada

With three months left in 2013, the Southern Nevada Health District reports there have already been 19 more cases of potentially fatal whooping cough, or pertussis, in Southern Nevada than the 83 experienced all of last year.

Fixing ankle problems helps athletes improve performance

Ankles seem like an insignificant joint when compared to the power and strength of the hip or shoulder. Believe me, they do have their tasks and they can affect your performance in a major way.

Shriners need new blood to keep going

Smiling, 17-year-old Samantha McClean walks down the stairs of her Henderson home with examples of her artwork under her arm. As she hurriedly makes her way to the living room, there is nothing about her entrance that suggests anything more or less than normalcy.

Fans say increasingly popular cleansing rituals give bodies fresh start

About once a month, Las Vegas hatha yoga instructor Heather Bruton gives her body what she calls a “yoga cleanse,” an ancient practice of drinking lukewarm water and a little bit of sea salt to clear out the digestive system.

Obese cancer patients often shorted on chemo doses

Obese people are less likely to survive cancer, and one reason may be a surprising inequality: The overweight are undertreated.

Extreme binge drinking not uncommon in high school seniors

Almost 1 in 10 U.S. high school seniors have engaged in recent extreme binge drinking — downing at least 10 drinks — at a rate that barely budged over six years, according to a report.

With gift of organs, a life is restored

Ten years earlier, her Type 1 diabetes had already cost her the vision in one eye.

First lady urges America to ‘drink up’ more plain water

Michelle Obama has pushed Americans to eat healthier and to exercise more. Now she says we should “drink up” too. As in plain water. And as in more of it.

Scientists: Gene found in Down syndrome may lead to new treatments

Scientists have identified a gene on the extra chromosome causing Down syndrome that may be responsible for the early aging and cognitive defects in people with the condition, a finding that could lead to new treatments.

Aging U.S. up against crisis in cancer care

Baby boomers are entering the years when they’re most prone to tumors, and doctors are having a hard time keeping up with complex new treatments, government advisers reported Tuesday. The combination poses a serious problem.

Get a good education with handstand pushups

If you’ve read even this far, congratulations. You didn’t abandon today’s column just because the exercises appeared too complex in the pictures. Many advanced exercises have a number of smaller technique gems built into them.

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