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Latest diet pill gets FDA approval

A new diet pill Contrave got approval to be sold in the United States on Wednesday, only the third obesity treatment in more than a decade to win approval from the Food and Drug Administration.

What you need to know about not-so-healthy “health” foods

Over time, we have all learned that some advertising about products may appear compelling, but the real facts about the product are not accurately or entirely revealed. In other words, the latest buzz factor or craze surrounding a product (like “fat free”) might actually overshadow some other important facts.

Lumbar fusion surgery gives Sunrise woman new lease on life

Surviving a car crash can feel like a miracle, but the process of putting together the pieces of one’s life does not end after the last stitch has been removed. Sunrise resident Scottie Briscoe, 52, survived such an accident, but she experienced intense back pain, until one day while picking up her grandson from the floor, her back snapped.

Vegas hospital expands mental health units

Montevista Hospital on Monday held an open house for its $7 million expansion that will help reduce the need to send juveniles out of state for psychiatric residential treatment.

Respiratory illness strikes hundreds of US children

Hundreds of children across the U.S. Midwest have been stricken by a potentially serious respiratory illness, and many states are asking for federal help testing and tracking cases, according to federal and state health officials.

Seek help when blues turn into depression

Everyone gets down, but it is the ability to bounce back that separates those times people are feeling blue for a day from actual depression.

Caller has health-exchange issues, but we’re on it

To answer a caller’s question, the state exchange and Medicaid are two different things, and neither affects the other. People who make too much to qualify for Medicaid — that’s more than $16,105 a year for a single and $32,913 for a family of four — have to buy private coverage through the exchange.

Couch potatoes sprout early in life

The more television children watched at age 10, the more they watched in middle age, according to a new report that suggests the need for earlier interventions to get kids off the couch.

Network’s goal is to educate public about organ donation

With more than 123,000 people on the nationwide organ transplant waiting list, Nevada Donor Network aims to raise awareness and educate the public on becoming registered donors through community events.

Working against nature makes night shift employees ‘vulnerable’

The very makeup of their schedules puts night shift workers at higher risk compared with their daytime counterparts for a variety of health issues, including heart disease, depression, obesity and diabetes.

No waiting period for state insurance signup

We’ve been advising consumers that they can’t buy plans through the state exchange until Nov. 15, unless they have a qualifying life event such as a relocation, birth or marriage. Although that’s still the case, the state Insurance Division recently asked us to remind Nevadans they can buy off of the state’s Nevada Health Link exchange at any time.

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