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How or where to enroll for health coverage not always straight-forward

For some consumers, understanding how or where to enroll in coverage can get complicated. That’s the case for Ed, a Las Vegan who wrote us for help on how to sign up his mother-in-law, who’s moving here in December.

Madagascar plague outbreak kills 40 since August

A plague outbreak has killed 40 people on the island nation of Madagascar, with 119 people diagnosed with the bacterial disease since August.

What you should know about the ‘winter blues’ and keeping them at bay

For nearly 25 million Americans, the spring is like the beginning of a beautiful play where the curtain lifts up to reveal birds singing and flowers in bloom. However, come fall and winter, as the days get shorter and the sun retreats earlier and earlier, the curtain falls marking the end of the long day’s play. Almost like a tragedy, we are often left feeling sad and forlorn.

Boulder City teens win state video contest

Two Boulder City High School freshmen won the Instagram category of the Nevada Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Video contest, which challenged sixth through 12th grade students to create short public service announcements to combat a growing substance abuse problem among teens.

Baby boomers urged to get hepatitis C test

We know you’re busy, baby boomers, but health officials would like for you to add one teensy item to your to-do lists: Getting a one-time-only screening for hepatitis C.

Health coverage enrollment gets good early reviews

So far, so good — that was the word from insurance brokers and enrollment navigators on Monday, following the first weekend of open enrollment in Affordable Care Act health coverage through state and federal marketplaces.

CDC investigating norovirus outbreak on cruise ship

A nearly monthlong cruise that saw more than 170 passengers get sick with the gastrointestinal illness norovirus has ended in Los Angeles with a thorough cleaning of the ship.

Patient ambassador program brings human touch to health care

St. Rose Dominican Hospitals rolled out a patient ambassador program in April at its three campuses. Its Siena and San Martin campuses, at 3001 St. Rose Parkway and 8280 W. Warm Springs Road, are actively seeking volunteers.

Centennial Hills Hospital offers procedure to combat reflux disease

People with gastroesophageal reflux disease know the symptoms all too well — heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain and trouble sleeping or swallowing. Those who turn to Dr. Pankaj K. Bhatnagar for help in managing their symptoms now have a new option: Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication.

Take care with over-the-counter drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Adminstration and pharmacists are warning people how over-the-counter medications can affect their driving. Ask your pharmacist about potential side effects and interactions with prescription drugs.

Will health-care consumers give state exchange another chance?

It’s been one of the big unknowns of the upcoming open-enrollment session: Will consumers burned by a flawed system the first time around give the state exchange another chance? The answer is important.

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