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Drinking excessive amounts of tea might cause kidney failure

The puzzling case of a 56-year-old U.S. man who suddenly developed weakness, fatigue and body aches is leading doctors to warn that massive consumption of tea may be responsible for some unexplained cases of kidney failure.

Top US turkey producer confirms another bird flu case

A virulent strain of avian flu has spread for the first time to poultry in South Dakota and infected a fourth turkey flock in Minnesota, the nation’s top turkey producer, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Thursday.

Hospital gowns getting a makeover

Whether a patient is in the hospital for an organ transplant, an appendectomy or to have a baby, one complaint is common: the gown.

Xerox’s call center will stay open longer than expected

Xerox, the vendor for Nevada Health Link’s first enrollment session, has agreed to keep its call center open two weeks beyond its originally scheduled closing date of Tuesday.

Heck, school officials address Nevada doctor shortage

Congressman Joe Heck and Southern Nevada medical school officials gathered Tuesday to tout the importance of creating or expanding residency programs to give doctors-in-training more opportunities in hospitals and clinics in Nevada.

Ancient eye infection potion kills superbug MRSA, research shows

It might sound like a really old wives’ tale, but a thousand-year-old Anglo-Saxon potion for eye infections may hold the key to wiping out the modern-day superbug MRSA, according to new research.

Be kind to your spine

Back pain is the most commonly reported pain condition in America. It affects 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. In fact, one-quarter of American adults report having low-back pain lasting at least one whole day in the past three months.

Creating a bedtime ritual aids sleep

Drugs are not the best place to begin for people having problems sleeping, says Dr. Mitchell Forman, dean of Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine. Your approach to bedtime may be the problem.

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