Call your buddy to get out of the heat and into the gym
June 17, 2013 - 5:05 am
If you’re reading this paper that means you got it off your driveway before it was incinerated by the sun. No doubt about it, summer is here. So let’s work on those beach muscles: biceps, triceps and abs.
It’s difficult to find time for the gym in the summer. There are vacations, long weekends and barbecues that get in the way. Not to mention the relentless Las Vegas heat that sucks the energy right out of you and leaves you unmotivated. That’s what gym buddies and trainers are for. They get you in there and keep you motivated.
Today’s exercises don’t require weights, so they can easily be done wherever you happen to be this summer. Hotel gyms can seem barren when compared with your regular gym.
The code of the workout buddy is in full effect during the summer. Be motivating, be there and be a good spotter. Be motivating by encouraging and praising. Simple, genuine compliments such as, “Your shoulders look bigger” or “Your waist looks great,” go a long way, especially from close friends.
Be “there” by not flaking on a workout. If you’re there and your buddy isn’t, send a picture on the phone of what he or she is missing. You could even send a simple Facebook post about how the aerobic dance or kickboxing class wasn’t the same without your buddy there. For example, my brothers send me videos of them maxing on heavy lifts. That makes me work harder. I can’t let them win!
Be a good spotter by knowing the movements you are performing. The better you know your lifts, the safer your partner can be. You can spy form flaws and help each other prevent injury. Book a session with a trainer at your gym to show you the ins and outs of your favorite lifts. Online videos are helpful, but there is no substitute for one-on-one coaching.
Workout partners make gym time safer. After working out with the same person for a while, you start to learn his limits. That comes in handy during max effort days. You start to learn the difference between needing to help with the last few reps and when to rescue your buddy when her body gives out. So stand out and have fun with today’s two-person exercises.
The combination biceps and triceps exercise requires each workout buddy to apply just the right amount of resistance. This makes sure both of you get a good workout. During the contraction you work hard against your friend’s applied resistance. Then it’s your turn to supply resistance. This is beneficial in that you not only get a concentric movement with resistance but also an eccentric release with added intensity. Both of your arms will be pool-ready in no time.
Today’s combination plank and crunch exercise is also a good way to push each other. One person does crunches while the other holds a plank. Seems simple until you make it a marathon of who can hold what the longest. When someone finally does give out, it’s time to switch. Punish each other by seeing whose core is stronger. The next day you can complain about the soreness together.
These exercises also work well for couples, even if one person is stronger than the other. Someone might need to stand on an aerobic step if there is a significant height difference when doing the biceps curl/triceps extension exercise.
If you are a Las Vegas trainer and want to share your love of fitness as a guest coach, please contact Chris Huth. Huth is a Las Vegas trainer. He can be reached at Consult your physician before beginning any exercise program.