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If you’re going to fly, you’re going to fly

Saturday marked the 146th anniversary of the birth of Orville Wright. Yes, that Orville Wright, the younger brother of Wilbur. Yes, those Wright brothers, two men who changed the world and the history of it — no wait, the future of it — as dramatically, if not more, as anyone ever did.

You need the help. They need a job.

Workforce Connections’ One-Stop Career Center is now open at the Mesquite Library, 121 W. First North St. in Mesquite. The One-Stop Career Center helps to place eligible participants into employment and job training for free. All services are free and beneficial to both employers and

Why is everything either amazing or awesome?

A thousand years from now, historians, cultural anthropologists and linguists will look back on the beginning of this millennium and wonder about a strange phenomenon.

Workforce development life cycle important to job seekers

EDITOR NOTE: Ardell Galbreth passed away on May 12, 2017. He had served as executive director of Workforce Connections since September 2012. This article was written prior to his passing. For more on Galbreth’s life, visit http://bit.ly/2tSF55v.

Social media use, the job search and you

In my travels and many conversations with others, I am amazed at how many people still negate the fact that their personal use of social media becomes very public, especially when they are on the job hunt. They don’t call it the World Wide Web for nothing, and just like the saying, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas,” the adage “What goes on the internet, stays on the internet” is very true. That said, if you are currently seeking employment and use social media, take note:

Use the right tool and use the tool right

A screwdriver and a hammer are both tools. But if you use a screwdriver to try to drive a nail, chances are you will (a) not get the job done, (b) waste an awful lot of unproductive time, (c) break something, (d) hurt yourself or (e) all of the above. Further, if you do choose the right tool — the hammer to drive the nail — but grip the hammer at the head instead of at the end of the handle, you’re not going to fare much better.

Do you have any questions for me?

So, now you’re at the end of your interview. The interviewer is now about to turn the tables after digging deep into your career history and give you a turn to ask the questions.

Changing plans is sometimes the right thing to do.

I have a new favorite person. I’ve had a number of new favorite persons in the nearly 14 years of writing this column, but I’m stingy when I hand them out, and you’ve got to do something pretty special to earn an Amdur NFP designation. That’s what Alexandra did — three times, in fact.

Six frogs on a log: A riddle

Six frogs are sitting on a log. Five of them decide to jump off the log. How many frogs are left on the log?

Interview lesson from a fairy tale, of all things

Once upon a time, there was a fair princess who was kidnapped by an evil king who held her prisoner high in the tower of his castle, deep in the forest.

In case you missed it