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Eli Amdur

Eli Amdur, Career Coach and Corporate Advisor's column appears every week on lvrj.com/jobs. Contact him at eliamdur@aol.com, or visit his website: www.amdurcoaching.com.

Use the right tool and use the tool right

A screwdriver and a hammer are both tools. But if you use a screwdriver to try to drive a nail, chances are you will (a) not get the job done, (b) waste an awful lot of unproductive time, (c) break something, (d) hurt yourself or (e) all of the above. Further, if you do choose the right tool — the hammer to drive the nail — but grip the hammer at the head instead of at the end of the handle, you’re not going to fare much better.

Changing plans is sometimes the right thing to do.

I have a new favorite person. I’ve had a number of new favorite persons in the nearly 14 years of writing this column, but I’m stingy when I hand them out, and you’ve got to do something pretty special to earn an Amdur NFP designation. That’s what Alexandra did — three times, in fact.

Six frogs on a log: A riddle

Six frogs are sitting on a log. Five of them decide to jump off the log. How many frogs are left on the log?

Interview lesson from a fairy tale, of all things

Once upon a time, there was a fair princess who was kidnapped by an evil king who held her prisoner high in the tower of his castle, deep in the forest.

The care and feeding of your references

Funny thing about references. We all need them, we all have them, and very few of us really know how to use them. It’s kinda like me and power tools, but that’s a whole different story.

The sheer folly of multiple versions of your resume

How many versions of your resume do you have? How many versions of your resume are out there, either being circulated or are posted? How many times have you “tailored it to the position” for which you’re applying or restructured it because you were trying to make a career change into another industry, but kept both or all your versions?

Perspectives on work, the sequel: What a way to ‘retire’!

In June, after visiting Zierikzee, a small medieval town in southwest Holland, I wrote “Perspectives on Work: 4,000 miles away and 750 years ago” about seeking meaningfulness in your life’s work. Here’s the link: eliamdur.com/index.php/blog/page/3.

Starting a business is not like working for one

Over the past few years — with the solid, consistently improving job market creating a confidence level we haven’t seen since the ’90s — I’ve seen a dramatic rise in the numbers of people visiting my office, not for help in finding a job (although that never ends), but for help in starting a business.

In case you missed it