A Nevada Transportation Authority supervisor with a history of drunken driving and a heroin arrest resigned Monday – hours before he was expected to answer Department of Public Safety questions.
A state law officer who had multiple DUI arrests and fled the scene of his crashed state vehicle last month is facing new charges of drunken driving and buying heroin for himself and his mother.
The head of the state department that oversees the Nevada Transportation Authority fired two top officials Wednesday after a Review-Journal investigation found lapses in background checks for an agency supervisor with multiple DUI arrests.
Authorities notified two state agencies about the drunken driving arrests of an employee who was later allowed to continue working as a law officer with use of a state vehicle.
A state employee who had a history drunken driving before crashing his state vehicle was arrested Monday for fleeing the crash and having two open cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer in the SUV, prosecutors said.
Sherry Stafford had just paid off her car — a vehicle she needed to take her disabled son for treatment — before a repeat drunken driver at the Nevada Transportation Authority destroyed it earlier this month.
The state is revamping background checks for Nevada Transportation Authority officers after the Las Vegas Review-Journal revealed one officer had three drunken driving arrests and crashed a state vehicle into a parked car, fleeing the scene.
A state agency that can suspend a cab or limo driver’s license for drunken driving allowed one of its law enforcement officers to continue driving a state vehicle despite three previous DUI arrests.
When the coronavirus hit the state, tribal nations say they were an afterthought in a scramble for supplies. Many remain on hard lockdown to protect members.