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Homes Columns

HOA board members must disclose conflict of interest

Under the law, each HOA board candidate must make a good faith effort to disclose any financial, business, professional or personal relationship or interest that would result or appeal to a reasonable person to result in potential conflict of interest in serving on the board.

Community Association Institute offers HOA information

The CAI chapter in Las Vegas offers monthly meetings with speakers. In addition, seminars and classes are offered on a regular basis. Published materials can be found on the national CAI webstite at caionline.org .

HOA board hires management company

No. The selection of a management company is made by the board of directors. Many associations have search committees where the members of the committee consist of board members and interested homeowners.

Community manager refuses to provide tenant information

Management companies and community managers are sensitive and are hesitant in providing this kind of information, often citing NRS 116.31175 (4b) records of the associaiton relating to the unit owner to be confidential.

Can my HOA demand NDAs for committee volunteers ?

Although the NDA may not be specifically noted in the covenants, conditions and restrictions, association boards generally have the power to develop criteria for serving on their committees.

HOA wants to include building permits in ARC reviews

NRS 116 does not explicitly include the specific architectural process or guidelines that an association may have in its governing documents.

Can an HOA tell you where to park your vehicles?

Q: Can a homeowners association in Las Vegas impose fees for parking excess vehicles in the common areas or streets?

HOA board without a community manager

The best advice, appoint another homeowner to the board and hire a professional licensed community manager to conduct your administrative affairs or hire an association management company.

Does prayer belong in the HOA volunteer group?

This is a sensitive issue and one that involves constitutional rights. Ultimately, unit owners who object to the invocation at a volunteer organization’s meeting could take this matter to the courts.

Movie club blocked by HOA clubhouse official

In your case, there is broad language as to the restriction of political events. From your comments, the clubhouse event coordinator made the decision to prevent the showing of the particular movie. Is there a Clubhouse Event Committee? What authority does the coordinator have in your governing documents?

HOA rejects plans for large home gets sued for $8M

They are suing our HOA for $8,000,000. They are suing us for the difference in the cost of materials. If they could have built in 2020 vs. 2024 it would have been less costly to them.

HOA board must follow city’s pet code

You reside in the city of Las Vegas where the pet code allows up to six cats or six dogs without a special permit. An association’s regulations would be superseded by the city code.

Wood-shingle roofs hike HOA insurance rates

Unfortunately, your association is not the only one that has a serious insurance issue. Any suggestions would be extreme and would require your legal counsel to view your governing documents.

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