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Homes Columns

Law does not support HOA ‘holding water bill hostage’

It is my opinion the collection agency cannot hold hostage your water bill. The water bill is a separate and distinct expense and is not part of the association’s dues. Association dues consist of the common operating expenses and not the expense of a specific unit owner’s water usage.

More new new state laws that affect HOAs

This is the second column in a two-part series on new state laws that will affect Las Vegas communities.

A look at new laws that will affect Nevada HOAs

In a two-part series Barbara Holland will review new state laws that will affect our Las Vegas homeowners associations.

Heated discussion could erupt over delay in pool reopening

Our pool hasn’t opened, and it should for the residents. The HOA board has the authority to open it. It’s record-setting heat in Las Vegas. What can we do ?

Dogs over 40 pounds not welcome in community

You would need to check with the association’s legal counsel as to whether you should grandfather or whether you should start enforcing the restriction to all existing violators. Expect push back as not only is this a public relations issue but, face it, if you are a dog owner, your dog is part of your family.

Spouses cannot serve on HOA board at the same time

You would not be able to serve on the board at the same time your wife is serving, per Nevada Revised Statute 116.31034 (10)(a)(1).

SB 186 bad for Nevada HOAs; could cause lawsuits

Senate Bill 186 will expose Nevada community associations to civil lawsuits over foreclosures. It will also cause an increase in association assessments and create needless paper waste.

Things HOA boards should consider during COVID reopening

There is a lot of confusion out there concerning COVID-19 reopening protocols and how it affects our homeowners associations. Communities across the valley are struggling with how best to address this situation. I have invited Las Vegas attorneys Michael T. Schulman, Gregory P. Kerr and David Stern to weigh in on this very important subject.

Homeowner thinks HOA board wants too much information

I was wondering if a homeowners association can make you tell them how many people live in the house, what kind of car you drive and the size and weight of your pets.

HOA raises funds for Make-A-Wish of Southern Nevada

During this COVID year, our Las Vegas communities have done good things for their residents. I have opened this column up to share those stories with my readers. We have this one for this week:

HOA changes color scheme and it’s a mess

For many associations, the original paint scheme is not available any more. The paint colors simply don’t exist and more “modern” colors have come to replace the older ones. Even if this is the case with your association, there should be some consistency of colors for the residents to prevent the “mixed-match mess-up.

SB 144 dies in committee; other bills could affect HOAs

Great news: Your emails and calls helped to kill Senate Bill 144. Please take the time to thank the Senate Judiciary Committee on SB 144 for listening to our concerns.

Law supports mobile home park caring for community cat

My understanding of the law is that the association cannot force a resident from caring for the feral cats or forcing the resident to remove the feral cats from the community. You can contact the local municipality to ascertain their interpretation of the law.

Proposed bill could cause financial crisis for HOAs

Are you ready for a major financial crisis for your homeowners association? Well, Senate Bill 144 will make the Great Recession and the COVID-19 pandemic look like child’s play.

In case you missed it