Weekend DJs include Aoki, Gabriel & Dresden
January 4, 2013 - 2:02 am


This is one of the slowest club weeks of the year, since it’s post-New Year’s Eve. But even slow weeks provide big names, from Nervo and Steve Aoki to Dash Berlin and Gabriel & Dresden.
TODAY: Gabriel & Dresden at Marquee. Lil Jon at Surrender. Kendrick Lamar at 1 Oak. Jessica Who at Tao. Exodus and Kid Conrad at ghostbar. Mike Attack and Alie Layus at Moon.
SATURDAY: Nervo at XS. Sultan and Ned at Surrender. Nicky Romero at Marquee. Alie Layus and Mark Stylz at ghostbar dayclub. OB One at ghostbar. Mark Stylz and Benny Black at Moon.
SUNDAY: Ryne Green and John Destiny at ghostbar.
MONDAY: Nicky Romero at Marquee. Seany Mac at ghostbar.
TUESDAY: Dash Berlin at Lavo. Kid Conrad at ghostbar. Exodus and Seany Mac at Moon.
WEDNESDAY: Steve Aoki at Surrender. Rev Run and Ruckus at Lavo. Shelco Garcia album-release party.
THURSDAY: Benny Black at ghostbar. Exodus and Alie Layus at Moon.
Doug Elfman’s column appears Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Email him at delfman@reviewjournal.com. He blogs at reviewjournal.com/elfman.