Las Vegas chef competes on Bravo’s ‘Top Chef’

Jamie Tran, chef/owner of The Black Sheep, isn’t exactly your typical extroverted TV chef. But she steeled herself for the experience, and fans of the popular Warm Springs Road restaurant can see her compete on national television Thursday nights on Bravo’s “Top Chef.”
Despite what Tran calls performance anxiety, she said she enjoyed her time on the show.
“I would recommend it” to chef friends, she said. “I definitely did like the overall experience and the people I got to meet and make friends with, even though it was nerve-wracking.”
Tran isn’t able to disclose any details of her experience on the show, so as not to spoil it for viewers. But she did provide a few hints.
“I don’t do well in competitions,” she said. “I just get nervous.”
Would she do it again?
“No,” she said. “I think one time around is enough for me.”
But the way she looks at it, she’s making progress. Tran said she had the opportunity to be on such shows when she was in college but turned it down.
“I’ve done it now,” she said. “So things may change.”
Viewers can make their own determination of how she did by tuning in Thursdays.
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