Real-life lovebirds: Billy Davis Jr. and Marilyn McCoo bring their 47-year romance to Orleans Showroom
February 10, 2017 - 7:59 am

Billy Davis Jr. and Marilyn McCoo. (Courtesy)

Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. (Courtesy)

Billy Davis Jr. and Marilyn McCoo. (Courtesy)
The First Couple of Pop and Soul are real-life lovebirds, and it’s not just their music that keeps on playing. Billy Davis Jr. and Marilyn McCoo were the voices, original stars and lead singers of the legendary The 5th Dimension until they left the group in 1975.
The still “hopelessly in love” duo are at The Orleans Showroom on Saturday and Sunday with their show “Up, Up and Away.” You couldn’t start Valentine’s Day Weekend romantic celebrations with anybody better.
The gorgeous couple launched their champagne and pop soul classics with favorite all-time hits including “Up, Up and Away,” “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In,” “Sweet Blindness,” “Wedding Bell Blues” and “One Less Bell to Answer.”
Their “You Don’t Have to Be a Star (to Be in My Show)” became a chart-topping record and won them a Grammy Award and CBS TV series. In all, they have won seven Grammys and recorded 15 gold and three platinum albums.
I’ve known Marilyn and Billy since her days on “Solid Gold,” which our production company, Television Program Enterprises, produced. You could not ask to meet nicer people, and like fine wine over the ages, they’ve only gotten better.
“Up, Up and Away” stars Marilyn and Billy with their supporting cast, The Next Dimension, for a journey and celebration of their iconic music and includes a loving tribute to The Beatles. It was only natural that I discussed their love for each other as we get ready for Valentine’s Day.
How long did it take for the two of you to fall in love with each other?
Our relationship began as a friendship. We sang together in the same group, The 5th Dimension, and we shared the same dreams and goals. We started talking a lot about our lives and outlooks on life and found that we had so much in common. It took probably close to maybe a year and a half for us to realize that love was in the air.
How did you know that it was the right thing?
How does anyone ever really know if it’s the right thing? You have to go with your heart and feelings, then take it day by day. If friendship is involved, it makes the relationship stronger because you don’t want to lose your best friend.
Name the best quality you love in each other.
Billy: Marilyn’s honesty, her dedication to our relationship, her caring.
Marilyn: Billy’s sense of humor, his kindness and caring for people.
What’s the glue that keeps the love alive?
Our working together, sharing the stage together, our joy of music — all these are certainly the glue in our relationship. Plus, we enjoy traveling and new experiences together.
What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?
Billy: It’s a special day for people who love each other to get together and show how much they care for each other: by special attention, by remembering special things that brought them to where they are today.
Marilyn: It’s an opportunity to take special time to do things you know the person you love likes; to express your appreciation for his thoughtful, caring ways; to set aside time from the daily routines to focus on how important your relationship together is in your life; to let him know that he’s the most important part of your life.
How will you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
We go out a lot in our normal activities, so staying home together is a real treat for us. We may have a meal where we splurge on things we really like that we don’t often eat because of health concerns: foie gras, caviar, gravlax. Or sometimes we may go to dinner with another couple who are close friends and have been together a long time like we have. We know a few.
What music do you listen to to set a romantic mood?
Billy: Believe it or not, classical music with strings, French horns and broad, sweeping melodies really appeal to me. I certainly enjoyed Barry White’s creative mixtures with strings and rhythms.
Marilyn: I’ve always loved the Bossa Nova music from the ’60s — very sexy.
But when we’re together, it’s Luther Vandross, Sergio Mendes, Lionel Richie, Diana Krall and Marc Anthony.
Why is love grand?
When you find that special person in your life who wants you to be happy, who is willing to share so you can both accomplish your dreams and can overlook your faults without rubbing your nose in them, those are qualities that make love, and life, grand!
What is this musical fable “Up, Up and Away” you’re bringing to The Orleans?
It’s a musical, theatrical production of our lives from a concept by a young man named Nic Mendoza. It’s about our careers in music along with musical and historical references from our era, which continue to influence things happening today. Woven into it also is our love story of 47 years.
Looking back over nearly 50 years of love, tell me a perfect night of romance.
A perfect night is when both of us focus our energies on doing those things that we know will please the other: the foods each loves, activities we know the other desires, allowing however long it requires. No interruptions.
Billy Davis Jr. and Marilyn McCoo star in “Up, Up and Away” at The Orleans Showroom on Saturday and Sunday.