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Christopher Lawrence

Christopher Lawrence is the movie critic for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
clawrence@reviewjournal.com … @life_onthecouch on Twitter. 702-380-4567

Diceman ditches his usual attire for ‘Dice’ season premiere

The comedy’s creator explains how he got the comic to forgo his standard black T-shirt, leather jacket and fingerless gloves in favor of a striped buttoned-down shirt, slacks and wire-rim glasses.

Steven Soderbergh returns with crowd-pleasing ‘Logan Lucky’

If people actually stuck to their retirement plans, we wouldn’t have next week’s latest fight of the century, the past 16 years of Kiss shows or Richard Nixon’s presidency.

‘Kidnap’ is basically a Lifetime movie with a higher budget

The best thing about “Kidnap,” aside from its almost preposterously brief 82-minute running time? The car that the kidnappers use is an unmistakable Mustang hatchback beater that they’ve hilariously, misguidedly equipped with a front-end bra.

‘An Inconvenient Sequel’ arrives over a year too late

Regardless of whether you believe in climate change, you should be able to agree that the follow-up to Al Gore’s Oscar-winning 2006 documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” is arriving in theaters over a year too late.

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