Readers invited to scare up a spooky tale for Halloween
October 2, 2011 - 1:01 am
Recession! Unemployment! Foreclosures! Traffic cones that multiply like drunken triffids!
And that’s just the scary stuff we know about. But beyond such obvious horrors of Las Vegas life are frights of the more subtle, and infinitely more deadly, kind.
In celebration of Halloween, we’re asking readers to create the scariest Las Vegas-based tales they can imagine. Vampires on the Strip, carnivorous fish at Lake Mead, werewolves that haunt the desert, or zombies loosed from Area 51. Any might serve as fodder for a scaringly effective Halloween story set in Las Vegas.
Just remember that we’re looking for original stories, and not for retellings of stories, TV shows or movies you’ve seen or read somewhere else. Keep your stories to 500 words send them to: HorrorFest ’11, Las Vegas Review-Journal Features Department, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV, 89125-0070. Or, if you’d like, just email them to (Put HorrorFest in the subject line.) Or fax them to 383-4676.
Make sure we have your story by 5 p.m. Oct. 14. We’ll share a few of your stories with readers in the Oct. 30 Living section and put more of them up online, just in time for Halloween.
And, to make Halloween even sweeter, we’ll award $50 to the creators of the best story we read in the adult (18 and up) category and the best story we read in the youth (17 and lower) age category.