April 19, 2007 - 9:00 pm
JPL Engineering buys Peak Development
JPL Engineering, an engineering company, acquired rival engineering company Peak Development Services for an undisclosed price and named Steffanie Nelson project manager, Alli Holz processor, Ron Balog senior computer-aided design and drafting designer and Heather Blonski computer-aided design and drafting technician.
Business Bank of Nevada named Patrice Schmidt vice president and branch relationship manager, Scott Magee vice president and branch relationship manager and Mirray Sorial Garcia as assistant vice president and customer service manager.
Mahoney Galloway Advertising, a Las Vegas-based advertising firm, named Jessica Kinsley account coordinator.
The Advanced Beauty School of Cosmetology will open today at 3650 S. Decatur Blvd., Suites 5-7.
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