May 16, 2007 - 9:00 pm
Resource management series slated by college
The Community College of Southern Nevada will offer the 11-session human resource management series starting June 11.
This series will meet 6 to 9 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays through July 23 at the campus of Nova Southeastern University, 8945 W. Russell Road, Suite 170. Class topics will include hiring and recruiting; measuring performance; rewards and retention; discipline; training; compensation and benefits; and policies and procedures.
Phillip Hollon will instruct. Call 242-9080 or visit to register.
Ameristar Casinos, a Las Vegas-based casino operator, on Tuesday declared a quarterly cash dividend of 10.25 cents per share payable June 15 to shareholders of record June 1.
Grubb & Ellis, a commercial real estate firm, named R. Bryan Land adviser for the Tressler retail team and Alyssa Resnik research analyst, industrial group for the Wasiak Industrial team.
Premier Physicians Insurance Co. named Antoinette Pretto physician operations director.
Capitol Bancorp named Thomas Mangione president of the Nevada region. He will oversee 1st Commerce Bank, Bank of Las Vegas, Black Mountain Community Bank, Desert Community Bank and Red Rock Community Bank.
Inside Business is prepared by the Las Vegas Business Press. Send information about new hires, promotions and new businesses to Las Vegas Business Press, 1385 Pama Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89119; fax to 871-3298; or e-mail to To subscribe to the Las Vegas Business Press, call 383-0400.