WASHINGTON — Two Nevada lawmakers are seeking to designate parts of two valleys in Lincoln County as “solar energy development zones” where leases for commercial projects would be fast-tracked and initial royalty payments could be reduced or forgiven.
Henderson City Council members have blown down plans to erect a four-story windmill in the backyard of a Green Valley home, but their decision could lead to the establishment of a wind farm elsewhere in the city.
A California company said Saturday that it selected the Las Vegas area for a manufacturing plant that will make the same kind of solar power cells that satellites use in space.
PAYERNE, Switzerland — At the pace of a fast bicycle, a solar-powered plane took to the skies for its maiden flight Wednesday, passing an important test on the way to a historic voyage around the world – a journey that would not use a drop of fuel. The Solar Impulse lifted off from a military airport at a speed no faster than 28 mph (45 kph) after briefly accelerating down the runway.
Sithe Global announced Monday that it will build an electricity-generating station fueled by solar power and natural gas near Mesquite.