Casinos & Gaming
BOSTON — Massachusetts lawmakers on Tuesday passed a final version of a bill designed to license up to three resort-style casinos and a single slots parlor in the state.
The Western Hotel’s glory days were long gone, its hotel rooms shuttered.
The glimmering curves of Encore loom above a faded blue building at 99 Convention Center Drive.
Steve Wynn’s 5-year-old tip-pooling program, which forces card dealers to share gratuities with their supervisors, violates Nevada law, a state District Court judge has ruled.
A House panel plans to dig further next week into the issues surrounding Internet gambling and efforts to legalize online poker.
Casinos statewide saw their September take from customers decline almost 6 percent to $863.9 million, the second straight monthly revenue drop. On the Strip, casinos saw gaming revenues fall almost 5.7 percent to $490.9 million in September. The revenue declines in September and August followed three straight months of gaming revenue increases.