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Pipeline will leave negative legacy

There is a great demand for increased water supplies for Las Vegas to sustain its rampant growth. Is a pipeline into another dry part of Nevada the answer — or just a pipe dream? Is it a visionary solution — or a legacy of disaster, leaving debt, dried-up desert and dust from lack of water?

The Southern Nevada Water Authority proposes to build a pipeline to the driest part of the driest state in the United States.

The water laws of the West, particularly in Utah and Nevada, were written and debated in a very different time and environment than today. There are many differences now, population and growth perhaps being the most significant. While there was no prohibition on interbasin transfers, there was probably no thought or consideration given to the possibility of using modern methods to construct several hundred miles of pipeline to move water, as the water authority intends. If it had been considered, I believe there would have been restrictions written into the underground water laws.

We are just now in the process of learning the consequences of pumping underground water. The fact is, large-scale underground water pumping should be viewed as a mining operation. This means that the resource is depleted and is not able to be replenished over time.

The underground water laws were mostly written to serve agriculture, which used gas engines and flood irrigation on a small local farm or ranch. It was not unusual for these pumps to be used only in dry years to supplement stream flow water. Sprinkler irrigation was something in the future, as were humans living in areas where water to drink has to be imported long distances.

Agriculture today efficiently uses underground water on larger acreages with automated sprinkler systems. The agricultural production from these underground water sources is significant and important to the U.S. economy and as a source of our food.

The back side of this underground water use: In most areas, the falling water table is already leaving negative impacts that were unforeseen. Springs are ceasing to flow, with wildlife and livestock losing their water sources. Plants that depend on their roots going into groundwater are dying, and dust storms are appearing in the changing landscape. Additional consequences will appear in the future.

Most aquifers that are being significantly pumped have problems of water table decline and changes in water quality.

Sadly, the water authority pipeline project would affect areas that are already showing these impacts from underground water pumping. Snake Valley has had several springs dry up caused by pumping underground water. At one of these springs, Needle Point, a dozen wild horses died of thirst before anyone knew the spring was dry. There was no history of Needle Point Spring not flowing until underground water started being pumped about one mile away.

There is a large difference between this long-term water authority mining project and past agricultural uses. The investment will be huge — billions of dollars. People and businesses will become dependent on the water to live, making it impossible to shut the water off. This will cause the water to be used as long as possible, regardless of impacts, thus creating the “Legacy of the Southern Nevada Water Authority Pipeline.”

It appears to me that most knowledgeable people who do not have a financial or political interest in the water authority proposal don’t believe it is right or will be the answer for Southern Nevada. The late Gov. Mike O’Callaghan opposed the project. The Utah Division of Natural Resources questions the wisdom of more underground water pumping in western Utah — whether it is for agriculture, the city of St. George or the Southern Nevada Water Authority

Others such as Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman say that Las Vegas will run out of water only if Las Vegas runs out of money. The mayor may find Mother Nature will be very hard to buy water from.

The pipeline project would have negative aspects for Las Vegas citizens. Health care and education deteriorate with rapid growth. And if Las Vegas continues to grow and becomes one of the largest cities in the West, it will be detrimental to the gaming and entertainment industry. There are already traffic, crime, air pollution and other problems. If Las Vegas continues to grow in its present manner, all of these problems will only accelerate — and new problems will surface such as water shortages and more environmental challenges.

There is enough water for Las Vegas now. Why would there be a desire in Southern Nevada to endanger its position as the entertainment capital of the world to simply bring in more population?

Just since beginning the environmental impact process, the water authority has already doubled the amount of water it wants from Snake Valley (from 25,000 to 50,000 acre-feet), revealing a glimpse of the future.

In 30 years, the operators will still be building power lines and pipelines, drilling wells and going into new territories to keep water running in this multibillion-dollar pipeline. Project promoters do not have sufficient information to know if there will be water to keep the pipeline operational as it is planned.

The cost of finding water and building the project will be huge, much more than publicly projected. It will be difficult to pay back the billions of dollars in debt because of the unforeseen and unplanned costs due to the lack of water and environmental problems.

The end legacy will be dust, vegetation losses and irreversible changes. Wildlife habitat will be lost due to nonexistent feed and water and growing environmental problems. It is a legacy that will not be good for Las Vegas or the state of Nevada. But the legacy will be catastrophic for the people of eastern Nevada.

Dean Baker has been a rancher and farmer in Nevada’s Snake Valley for more than 50 years. A former member of the Nevada Tax Commission, Mr. Baker represented White Pine County on the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s Integrated Water Planning Commission.

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LETTER: An alternative to bombing

I am delighted to hear that Mr. Lee may understand that rent control will destroy a city.