Don’t hammer residents for utility’s mistake
July 19, 2007 - 9:00 pm
To the editor:
As reported by the Review-Journal on Tuesday (“Who will pay $20 million in utility costs?”), Sierra Pacific wants Nevada electricity customers to pick up the tab for $20 million in excess fees as a result of overzealous power purchases from Enron Corp., a deal that violated even Sierra Pacific’s own purchasing guidelines.
Because Sierra Pacific is a private, for-profit utility, it hardly seems fair to stick the public with its excesses. Can we assume that had the pendulum swung the other way, and Sierra Pacific was the beneficiary of a $20 million windfall, that this would have been passed on to the public as a rebate?
Eric Stefik
Fuel efficiency
To the editor:
Kevin Cabble’s Sunday commentary on global warming, “A race against time,” was interesting and, yes, timely. However, Mr. Cabble must learn that hyperbole will not take you as far as facts.
His remark about fuel efficiency standards being no better than 30 years ago has run aground. My 1977 Mercury Grand Marquis, capacity six, struggled to achieve 10 miles per gallon on premium leaded fuel. Thirty years later, my medium-size SUV, capacity eight, rarely achieves less than 19 miles per gallon on 87 octane unleaded fuel.
Deeply distressed
To the editor:
We have been a part of the Potosi Pines United Methodist Camp adjacent to the Boy Scout Camp since 1972. As volunteers, we have been directly involved in program activities for thousands of children, teens and adults at the camp during this period.
Mount Potosi provides an absolutely unique set of conditions not available anywhere else in the valley. It is a short drive to this area, which features numerous opportunities to learn about geology, archaeology, astronomy and appreciation and respect for the desert flora and fauna.
The Potosi Pines camp has been open to the entire community, supporting camping and retreat opportunities for schools, churches, UNLV and other nonprofit groups.
Our two sons, born in Las Vegas, are Eagle Scouts and were involved in camping activities at both camps at Mount Potosi. We have seen a number of third-generation campers at Potosi Pines, and as we celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2008, we look forward one day to seeing our own grandchildren enjoy these same camping experiences.
We are deeply distressed that this fragile federal property that was made available only to nonprofit organizations in 1958 for service to the community should be turned into a gigantic windfall for one of those organizations and turned into private residential property (“Scouts look to sell,” Friday Review-Journal).
This land use will overwhelm the available water, create light and noise pollution and bring dangerous traffic in close proximity to the camp.
Indian deal
To the editor:
In response to your Sunday story, “Nothing grand about bumpy Skywalk road”:
Can someone please answer the following question? Why are taxpayers putting up $12 million in federal grant money toward building a road on private land when the purpose of the road is to provide access to a for-profit commercial enterprise on the Hualapai Indian reservation?
Health care
To the editor:
Grace-Marie Turner’s Sunday commentary on U.S. health care makes a lot of sense if one has the financial resources to pay for medical attention. I think that is the point of Michael Moore’s film, “Sicko.” It’s the individuals out the insurance loop who are in the financial cross hairs.
Of course Mr. Moore would go to a U.S. clinic rather than a Cuban one if he became ill — he can afford it.
I would like to know what Ms. Turner thinks about an incident that occurred years ago when our daughter was in the first grade in Florida.
A first-grade classmate needed heart surgery. The boy’s mother had no medical insurance to pay for the $100,000-plus cost of the procedure. She got out and aggressively raised money for the operation, which was completed successfully and to which then-President Reagan donated $10,000.
This is the best health care system in the free world? There is reason to believe otherwise.
J.H. Esperian