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Shaft slant is crucial when striking ball

The forward slant of the shaft (hands ahead of the club head ) at impact is one of the most critical positions that deal with the striking of a golf ball. There are a lot of personal preferences as to how to get to this position, but the impact position (shown in photo 1) itself is the most critical.

If the hands do not lead the club through the hitting area, shaft load and release are lost. If the shaft has been spent prior to impact, good ball striking will not happen. A good way to develop this sensation is to make practice swings and hit some balls with the feeling that you are pulling the golf club through the hitting area keeping the handle of the club in front of the club head.

Another great practice technique for learning the correct impact position is to spend some time working with an impact bag (Photo 2).

Rusty Postlewait has been instructing for more than 20 years in the Las Vegas area. He is a Class A teaching professional.

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