Las Vegans devote time feathering their ‘nests’
March 31, 2011 - 1:04 am


“The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803 — April 27, 1882) American lecturer, philosopher, essayist, and poet, “Domestic Life,” Society and Solitude (1870)
When I was growing up, and even in recent years, when somebody believed things in the past were better, the expression “back in the good old days” was bandied about. Well, here in Las Vegas, “the good old days” weren’t that long ago. Real estate, gaming and construction were booming, more people had jobs, more money was being spent, gas was cheaper and life was good.
Fast forward to today, and no one needs to be told that times have changed. And we don’t need to dwell on the details. We just know that it’s different and most of us have had to adjust in one way or another to maintain our lifestyle or have transitioned into a completely new lifestyle.
One side of the change is being dissected in local news reports: Many businesses are suffering from the downturn in the market. And occasionally you hear about the other side: We’re staying at home and “nesting.” (Nesting: to build or occupy a nest; settle in or as if in a nest; to fit compactly together or within one another.)
We’re “using” our homes more and in different ways. So what exactly does that mean?
Restaurants and bars are missing us because … we’re eating, drinking and entertaining at home. It’s cheaper, more interesting, more relaxed and it’s a lot of fun. The formal dining room that never saw any action or the eat-in kitchen and bar stools are hot properties. It is now hip to entertain at home. I know that for me, one of my favorite things is friends having a drink in my kitchen while I cook. That’s almost better than the eating and totally more fun than going out.
Movie theaters are missing us because … we’re also having guests over to watch movies or play games. This is so much less expensive than taking the family out to a movie theater and it can provide bonding time.
Unfortunately, as with most things, the extent to which you can expand this new entertaining-at-home phase is tied to money. Most of us are just happy to be able to stay at home and have friends and family over. It’s very satisfying and cost effective.
However, if you have recently won the lottery, hit Megabucks or just have some extra cash, nesting takes on an entirely new dimension. You’re limited only by your imagination and the size of your nest egg. We’re finding that this may not be the best time to sell our homes, so a lot of folks are deciding to take that extra cash, spiff up the old homestead and stay put.
Home-improvement stores are seeing an increase in traffic and sales. Upgrading floors, appliances and surfaces seem to be the most popular pastime for homeowners, but still others are moving on up to the next level.
High on the list for big spenders are media rooms, game rooms, swimming pools and large decks or patios. Just imagine, if you had all of these things, or even one of them, you would certainly spend more time at home.
And, that’s what nesting is all about – taking pride in your home and environment, and spending more time in it. The stay-at-home entertainer is the new social butterfly. So I’ll just be at home waiting for your invitation.
Carolyn Muse Grant is a design consultant, expert home stager and creator of beautiful spaces. Questions can be sent to her at