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Bill would apply open meeting law to interim legislative meetings

CARSON CITY — Assembly Minority Leader Pat Hickey introduced a bill Thursday that would mandate that lawmakers meeting between legislative sessions follow the requirements of Nevada’s open meeting law.

Assembly Bill 118 was referred to the Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.

Hickey, R-Reno, said the practice of lawmakers and legislative staff in interim periods has been to follow the dictates of the open meeting law, but his measure would codify the requirement in state law.

The law mandates that notices for meetings be posted at least three working days ahead of time, among other provisions.

Lawmakers meet in a variety of committees in the interim between sessions, including those created to study particular policy issues, and as the Interim Finance Committee to approve changes to the budget.

There would be an exception for some legal discussions involving lawmakers and their legal staff.

Hickey said adopting an open meeting requirement for legislative sessions, held every other year for 120 days, can’t be done as a practical matter because of the need for lawmakers to quickly make important budget and policy decisions in the final days of each session.

The Legislature does try to follow posting rules during much of the session anyway, including three-day advance notice of meetings, when possible, he said.

Contact Capital Bureau reporter Sean Whaley at swhaley@reviewjournal.com or 775-687-3900.

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