Bryce Harper hosts Make-A-Wish teen for a day at Nationals Park — VIDEO
July 20, 2016 - 11:14 am

(Screengrab/ESPN Video)
Washington Nationals right fielder Bryce Harper, who is from Las Vegas, took part in the Make-A-Wish program and hosted a 16-year-old kidney transplant recipient at Nationals Park.
“What a blast we had,” Harper wrote on Instagram on Tuesday.
Kaylan King, who took time off from playing softball to receive a kidney transplant in 2015, got the news that she would be spending a day with Harper at Nationals Park while she was speaking at a Make-A-Wish gala in May.
Harper recorded a video to invite King to spend a day with him.
“Hi Kaylan, I’m officially inviting you out to Nats Park to enjoy a day with me this summer,” Harper said in a video played at the gala.
Figuring out an idea for her “wish” wasn’t difficult.
“I kind of came up with (the wish) on the spot,” King said. “I mean, I’ve always wanted to meet Bryce Harper.”
King’s wish day started out at an Under Armour store where Harper surprised her with a pair of new cleats and did some shopping with her.
Her wish day continued at Nationals Park for a tour with Harper.
The surprises kept coming — Harper let her know she’d be throwing out the first pitch that night.
Harper was behind the plate to catch it.
King’s #MyWish episode on ESPN aired Tuesday night.
Check out the video above.
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