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LETTERS: Eco-tourism can provide big benefits

To the editor:

The editorial hit the nail on the head when it highlighted the protection of Tule Springs as being of importance to all Nevadans (“This land is your land,” Dec. 17 Review-Journal). The economic benefits of protecting public lands have been amply demonstrated by numerous studies.

Next, it’s time to protect Gold Butte and its many important treasures, including biological, geological, archaeological, historical and cultural marvels. Increased eco-tourism could only benefit Mesquite and the surrounding area.



A duck’s life

To the editor:

Dave Hawley’s letter asks that “Mallard Fillmore” not be printed in the comics section (“Ruffled feathers,” Dec. 8 Review-Journal). He must not remember “Doonesbury,” which occupied the comics section of many newspapers for way too long. That was a left-wing strip that attacked everyone and everything on the right.

Please keep “Mallard Fillmore,” as my friends and I enjoy a little humor about President Barack Obama’s antics. I cut out the strips and save them for when we have visits from faraway friends, who have canceled their hometown left-wing daily newspapers. I feel the comic strip respects the office of the president, not the current occupant trashing the office along with our country.



Make room for Uber

To the editor:

Jim Armbrust, in his letter about Uber, writes, “Those people who think they are being scammed by local cabdrivers have fallen prey to urban legend.” I have worked at a major Strip hotel for 25 years, and I could tell you stories for hours.

One of my co-workers had family from out of the country come in for New Year’s Eve. A ride from the airport to the MGM was $94. I took a cab last year for a trip to California. I live a short distance off of I-215, literally 10 minutes from the airport. When the driver picked me up, she chose a route along Tropicana Avenue, which took more than 25 minutes. When I asked why she chose that route, she replied, “Oh, it’s easier.” Yeah, I guess that’s one way to word for it.

Competition is good for business. It keeps people striving to provide better service. Our cab companies have a monopoly, and it’s definitely time for a change. With the millions of people we care for each year, plus millions of residents, there is definitely room for both cabs and Uber. Maybe it will improve the general service all around.



Republican ‘leadership’

To the editor:

After reading the article about state Republican leaders, I have to question their integrity, and specifically the quote, “The 2014 midterm election showed us that Nevadans want Republicans in the Legislature to work on their behalf with integrity,” from party Chairman Michael McDonald (“Leaders threaten rebellious Republicans in Assembly,” Dec. 14 Review-Journal).

I have followed Mr. McDonald’s path to stardom over the years. I continue to question how he has evolved from a Las Vegas Metro police officer and elected Las Vegas City Councilman to a former police officer, a disgraced councilman who faced a recall and was found guilty of ethics violations, who filed bankruptcy and who has past associations with alleged shady characters.

His history can be researched. Google him, and you may see a person of questionable character and association. And he speaks of integrity?



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