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EDITORIAL: Share some Christmas spirit

Twas the season of Christmas, and all through the land

Were signs and symbols some folks couldn’t stand.

The freshly cut pine many decorate with glee,

But don’t you dare call it a Christmas tree.

Heaven forbid a Nativity in the square

For fear the grievance mongers soon would be there.

Meanwhile the choirs, at many public schools,

Are told no religious carols — hey, those are the rules.

Don’t say “Christmas Concert,” for that’s full of shame.

“Winter Festival” — now that’s the new, improved name!

A California judge, trying to squelch more good will,

Orders a war memorial cross removed from a hill.

Send food to Africa, through a faith-based charity,

Face an ACLU lawsuit; is that moral clarity?

The postman leaves Christmas off “holiday stamp” fliers.

Forget the reason for the season — they’re Christmas deniers!

This despite Jesus’ birth named a federal holiday,

On which those in government get a day off with pay.

For that fact, they should shout “Merry Christmas!” with glee,

If we can say that anymore, if we can just let it be.

Jolly old Santa gives Grinches no pause,

But don’t get them started on the Establishment Clause.

A passive display is not proselytizing.

State-sponsored religion? They’re fantasizing!

How did we reach this point, where it all ran amok?

Christmas got run over by the politically correct truck.

It’s easy to forget, amidst Christmas bashing,

That the faithful do many great things — just smashing!

Every day in this so-called city of sin,

Christians donate and volunteer to create a win-win.

Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, Las Vegas Rescue Mission,

Where helping the needy is year-round tradition.

St. Jude’s Ranch pulls kids from incredible distress,

To give them a chance at true happiness.

At countless valley churches, the downtrodden do enter,

For those touched by AIDS, there’s the Saint Therese Center.

Far too numerous to mention are so many others,

Helping our struggling sisters and brothers.

So the need to kick Christmas right out of the season

Seems illogical, overzealous and lacking in reason.

’Tis the season for giving, to that we attest,

So to all grievance seekers, try giving it a rest.

Spread some charity and cheer, and let go of the spite.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

A version of this editorial originally appeared in the Review-Journal in 2013.

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