Delta keeps you safe is meme-orable way — VIDEO

On your next Delta Air Lines flight, sit back, relax and enjoy the safety video.
Uh, what?
Delta had a little fun, mining the meme universe for its latest video, which begins running on flights Monday .
As the man in the video calmly tells you how to place your items in the overhead bin, check where the exits are and how to fasten your seatbelt, several classic characters are along for the trip. Check out the video below.
Screaming goat, dancing baby (how old is that?), keyboard cat, dramatic chipmunk — 23 popular YouTube video memes — are included in their most Internetiest.
It made me pay attention — albeit a little distractedly — to the safety information we’ve all heard a thousand times. But if I see a cat on a Roomba on my next flight, I’m checking what they are serving on the drink cart.