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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: Welcome to Trumpland

Don’t look now, but we’re living in Trumpland — and it’s spreading all over the globe.

The people want Trump-like leaders. In Brazil, there is a Brazilian version of President Donald Trump in charge. In Italy, there is an Italian version of Trump in charge. In Hungry, there is a Hungarian version of Trump in charge.

In the upcoming European Union elections, a Brexit Party (founded only weeks ago, remarkably), led by Nigel Farage, the U.K. version of Trump, is leading by double digits. The establishment Tory Party, headed by U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, is in last place. Why? She is the spitting image of a female Jeb Bush — a wishy-washy RINO who stands for nothing.

The new Brexit Party has more support than the established Conservative and Labour parties. Combined.

Why? First, voters want authenticity. You may not like Trump, but he is one of a kind.

Second, voters want someone who stands for something. You always know where Trump stands. You know what’s in the middle of the road in politics? Roadkill.

Third, globalism may dominate among government bureaucrats, intellectuals and the mainstream media. But typical voters support nationalism and secure borders. They want a leader who will put their country, their economy and their jobs first. Someone who fights for the citizens born in their country who work and pay taxes. Not illegal aliens or skill-less migrants who depress wages or demand social services while bankrupting the taxpayers.

In other words, Trump has turned the world into Trumpland.

Trump solidifies his hold on America every day. Trump-hating billionaire Mark Cuban just days ago reported that no one in the Democrat field can beat Trump. Trump-hater Joe Scarborough of MSNBC said, “Trump is going to be hard to beat, because he does look like he is about 20 years younger than a lot of Democrat candidates.”

Reality is setting in.

A new Fox News poll found just about half the country rates the economy as excellent or good — and they give Trump credit. Trump and Republicans get credit for the great economy from 44 percent of the voters. Barack Obama and Democrats get credit from 15 percent. That’s called a landslide.

Now to the piece de resistance.

Trump announced a new plan to dramatically overhaul immigration. No more “visa lottery.” No longer will people around the world get into America based on “luck.” Under Trump, immigration will be based on “merit.” Immigration based on “family ties” will be replaced by an immigration points system based on high-level skills, college degrees, English proficiency and job offers.

How refreshing.

Immigration is fine. Trump and Republicans such as myself love and value immigration. Immigration is the lifeblood of America. We welcome immigrants with open arms. But not all immigrants. Not lawbreakers. Not people without skills, education or jobs waiting. Not people looking for a “free ride.”

Currently 66 percent of immigrants are admitted because of family ties and 12 percent are admitted based on skills and jobs waiting. Trump’s plan flips those numbers.

From now on, America wants the best and brightest from around the world. We want professionals, educated people and those with extraordinary talents. We have standards.

If you want welfare from cradle to grave, stay home. We want immigrants who can drive the economy, not ride the bus for free.

Trump welcomes the best of the world to America. This is how we keep America the greatest country in history.

Welcome to Trumpland.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Wayne@ROOTforAmerica.com. Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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