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CES 2019: Rapper Lupe Fiasco Partners with Zero Mass Water – VIDEO

When you purchase a bottle of water, do you think about where it came from? When you turn on the sink faucet, do you expect water to always come out? Water is a basic human need, but it’s something we often take for granted.

Globally, over 840 million people are without access to clean drinking water. A common misconception might lead you to believe that this stat comes from third-world countries, but not quite. In 2014, Flint, Michigan experienced one of the worst water crisis in recent history. A state of emergency was declared in the city due to the fact that the water was contaminated with lead and was unsafe for human consumption.

Because of this, Zero Mass Water was born.

Through specialized hydropanels called SOURCE, clean water is made from thin air.

“[The hydropanels] extract moisture in the air all around us, using only solar power. Our hygroscopic material inside the hydropanel attracts water molecules and we use solar thermal to passively condense that water out of the material like pure water, it’s very similar to distilled. The system adds magnesium and calcium and it delivers it right to your tap,” explains Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, director of public relations for Zero Mass Water.

Even though major renovations are underway in Flint to replace old, faulty piping, Mayor Karen Weaver has partnered with Zero Mass Water to make sure her residents always have access to safe drinking water. “I tested the water, I tasted it, and I thought this is real. This is where technology meets basic human needs such as water and basic human rights,” says Weaver.

Two hydropanels, suitable for one to four people, can produce eight to 20 bottles of water per day. Consumers interested in SOURCE panels, can purchase a set online, starting at $2,000.